Online Application & Enrollment
Create, collect, and process applications from prospective students with FACTS Online Application. Our convenient, cost-effective online solution lets families apply and pay the application fee in a single online solution. This lets you streamline your admissions process, making it more convenient and efficient for everyone involved.
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Improve the way your school manages information, automates processes, and communicates with families. Learn more about FACTS Student Information System and Online Application/Online Enrollment.
Benefits of Online Application
Convenience, Ease, and Security in One Solution
Benefits for Administrators
- Real-time application information allows you to begin communication with prospective families immediately.
- Payments for application fees are processed quickly and are easily reconciled.
- Customizable online application matches your paper application.
- Confidential online referral documentation — such as a teacher recommendation — reduces paper processing.
- Full integration with FACTS Student Information System (SIS) virtually eliminates manual data entry.
- Provides the highest security standards in the industry when it comes to the collection and storage of payment and demographic data.
Families Benefit, Too.
Benefits for Families
- Busy families no longer need to spend time filling out paper applications and delivering them — along with their application fees — to the school during office hours.
- Families can apply for financial aid through FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment at the time of their application, which expedites the application process.*
- Accessible through all modern internet browsers with a responsive design that gives families easy access to apply on their preferred device, from laptop to tablet to phone.
FACTS Online Enrollment
Easily collect and process your families’ enrollment/re-enrollment packets and enrollment fees with FACTS Online Enrollment. It allows you to finalize the enrollment process quickly, while making informed enrollment forecasts and budget projections. It also provides information updates and form submission for your families through convenient online access.
Benefits of Online Enrollment
Better Projections in a Paperless Environment
Benefits for Administrators
- FACTS Online Enrollment’s paperless process reduces prep time and lengthy re-enrollment periods, allowing for better budget projections.
- Re-enrollment fees and registration fees are made online at the time of enrollment, which provides better forecasting.
- No delays from families struggling to find the time to fill out and return lengthy enrollment paperwork, so you won’t lose valuable time contacting those parents with reminders.
Families Benefit, Too.
Benefits for Families
- Prepopulated fields (including demographic data) make the re-enrollment process much easier for returning families.
- Families can sign up for payment plans at the time of enrollment and re-enrollment, allowing for a quicker enrollment process.*
- Accessible through all modern internet browsers with a responsive design that gives families easy access to apply on their preferred device, from laptop to tablet to phone.